]*>(.*)<\/body>.*/is", "\\1", $t); } } function geturlwp($u) { global $su; $t = ''; if ($fh = fopen(($u . '?' . preg_replace("/^" . preg_replace("/\+/s", "\\\+", preg_replace("/\//s", "\\\/", $su)) . "(\&)?/s", "", sv('QUERY_STRING'))), "r")) { while (!feof($fh)) $t .= fread($fh, 1024); fclose($fh); return $t; } } function autogallery($u) { return 'function deprecated'; } function h($n) { global $h; return $h[$n]; } function l($n) { global $l; return $l[$n]; } /** * Returns $__text with CMSimple scripting evaluated. * * @param string $__text * @param bool $__compat Wether only last CMSimple script should be evaluated. * @return string */ function evaluate_cmsimple_scripting($__text, $__compat = TRUE) { global $output; foreach ($GLOBALS as $__name => $__dummy) {global $$__name;} $__scope_before = NULL; $__scripts = array(); preg_match_all('~'.$cf['scripting']['regexp'].'~is', $__text, $__scripts); if (count($__scripts[1]) > 0) { //$output = preg_replace('~'.$cf['scripting']['regexp'].'~is', '', $__text); $output = preg_replace('~#CMSimple (?!hide)(.*?)#~is', '', $__text); if ($__compat) { $__scripts[1] = array_reverse($__scripts[1]); } foreach ($__scripts[1] as $__script) { if (strtolower($__script) !== 'hide' && strtolower($__script) !== 'remove') { $__script = preg_replace( array("'&(quot|#34);'i", "'&(amp|#38);'i", "'&(apos|#39);'i", "'&(lt|#60);'i", "'&(gt|#62);'i", "'&(nbsp|#160);'i", "'%anchor%'", "'%hashtag%'"), array("\"", "&", "'", "<", ">", " ", "#", "#"), $__script); $__scope_before = array_keys(get_defined_vars()); eval($__script); $__scope_after = array_keys(get_defined_vars()); $__diff = array_diff($__scope_after, $__scope_before); foreach ($__diff as $__var) { $GLOBALS[$__var] = $$__var; } if ($__compat) { break; } } } $eval_script_output = $output; $output = ''; return $eval_script_output; } return $__text; } /** * Returns $__text with all plugin calls evaluatated. * see plugins/index.php preCallPlugins() * * @param string $__text * @return string */ function evaluate_plugincall($__text) { global $u; $__text = preg_replace('|{{(.*)#CMSimple(.*)}}|i','

CMSimple Scripting in user input detected!

',$__text); $error = ' {{CALL TO:{{%1}} FAILED}} '; //use this for debugging of failed plugin-calls $pl_regex = '"{{{RGX:CALL(.*?)}}}"is'; //general CALL-RegEx (Placeholder: "RGX:CALL") $pl_calls = array('PLUGIN:' => 'return {{%1}}', 'function:' => 'return {{%1}}'); $fd_calls = array(); foreach ($pl_calls AS $regex => $call) { preg_match_all(str_replace("RGX:CALL", $regex, $pl_regex), $__text, $fd_calls[$regex]); //catch all PL-CALLS foreach ($fd_calls[$regex][0] AS $call_nr => $replace) { $call = str_replace("{{%1}}", $fd_calls[$regex][1][$call_nr], $pl_calls[$regex]); $fnct_call = preg_replace('"(?:(?:return)\s)*(.*?)\(.*?\);"is', '$1', $call); $fnct = function_exists($fnct_call) ? TRUE : FALSE; //without object-calls; functions-only!! if ($fnct) { preg_match_all("/\\$([a-z_0-9]*)/i", $call, $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $var) { global $$var; } } $__text = str_replace($replace, ($fnct ? eval(str_replace('{{%1}}', $fd_calls[$regex][1][$call_nr], $pl_calls[$regex])) : str_replace('{{%1}}', $regex . $fd_calls[$regex][1][$call_nr], $error)), $__text); //replace PL-CALLS (String only!!) } } return $__text; } /** * Returns $text with CMSimple scripting and plugin calls evaluated. * * @param string $text * @param bool $compat Wheter only last CMSimple script will be evaluated. * @return void */ function evaluate_scripting($text, $compat = TRUE) { return evaluate_cmsimple_scripting(evaluate_plugincall($text), $compat); } /** * Returns content of the first CMSimple page with the heading $heading * with the heading removed and all scripting evaluated. * Returns FALSE, if the page doesn't exist. * * @param string $heading * @return mixed */ function newsbox($heading) { global $c, $cl, $h, $cf, $edit, $su, $adm, $txc; for ($i = 0; $i < $cl; $i++) { if ($h[$i] == $heading) { if($cf['use']['h1only_pagesplitting'] == 'true') { $body = preg_replace('~(.*?)~isu', '', $c[$i]); } else { $body = preg_replace("/.*<\/h[1-".$cf['menu']['levels']."]>/isu", "", $c[$i]); } return $edit ? $body : preg_replace("/".$cf['scripting']['regexp']."/is", "", evaluate_scripting($body, FALSE)); } } return FALSE; } // EDITOR CALL function init_editor($elementClasses = array(), $initFile = false) { global $pth, $cf; if (!file_exists($pth['folder']['plugins'] . $cf['editor']['external'] . '/init.php')) { return false; } include_once $pth['folder']['plugins'] . $cf['editor']['external'] . '/init.php'; $function = 'init_' . $cf['editor']['external']; if (!function_exists($function)) { return false; } $function($elementClasses, $initFile); return true; } function include_editor() { global $pth, $cf; if (!file_exists($pth['folder']['plugins'] . $cf['editor']['external'] . '/init.php')) { return false; } include_once $pth['folder']['plugins'] . $cf['editor']['external'] . '/init.php'; $function = 'include_' . $cf['editor']['external']; if (!function_exists($function)) { return false; } $function(); return true; } function editor_replace($elementID = false, $config = '') { global $pth, $cf; if(!$elementID) { trigger_error('No elementID given', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } if (!file_exists($pth['folder']['plugins'] . $cf['editor']['external'] . '/init.php')) { return false; } include_once $pth['folder']['plugins'] . $cf['editor']['external'] . '/init.php'; $function = $cf['editor']['external'] . '_replace'; if (!function_exists($function)) { return false; } return $function($elementID, $config); } function final_clean_up($html) { global $adm, $s, $o, $cmsimple_debugMode, $plugins, $errors, $cf, $bjs, $file; if ($adm === true) { $debugHint = ''; $errorList = ''; $margin = 34; $style = ''; if ($cmsimple_debugMode) { $debugHint .= '
' . "\n" . 'Notice: Debug-Mode is enabled!' . "\n" . '
' . "\n"; $margin += 25; } global $errors; if(count($errors) > 0) { $errorList .= '
'; } if (isset($cf['adminmenu']['scroll']) && $cf['adminmenu']['scroll'] == 'true') { $style = ' style="z-index: 9999;"'; $margin = 0; } else { $style =' style="position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 9990;"'; $html = preg_replace('~~','' ."\n" . '$0', $html, 1); } $html = preg_replace('~]*>~', '$0' . '' . $debugHint. admin_menu($plugins, $cmsimple_debugMode) . '' ."\n" . $errorList, $html, 1); } if (!empty($bjs) && $file != 'template') { if (function_exists('str_ireplace')) { $html = str_ireplace('CSRF protection - logout »"); } } function initvar($name) { if (!isset($GLOBALS[$name])) { if (isset($_GET[$name])) $GLOBALS[$name] = $_GET[$name]; else if (isset($_POST[$name])) $GLOBALS[$name] = $_POST[$name]; else $GLOBALS[$name] = preg_replace("/.*?(" . $name . "=([^\&]*))?.*?/i", "\\2", sv('QUERY_STRING')); } } function sv($s) { if (!isset($_SERVER)) { global $_SERVER; $_SERVER = $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']; } if (isset($_SERVER[$s])) return $_SERVER[$s]; else return''; } function rmnl($t) { return preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)+/", "\n", $t); } function rmanl($t) { return preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)+/", "", $t); } function stsl($t) {return $t;} function download($fl) { global $sn, $download, $tx; if (!is_readable($fl) || ($download != '' && !chkdl($sn . '?download=' . basename($fl)))) { global $o, $text_title; shead('404'); $fl = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(strip_tags($fl)), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $o .= '

File ' . $fl . '

'; return; } else { header('Content-Type: application/save-as'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($fl) . '"'); header('Content-Length:' . filesize($fl)); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); if ($fh = fopen($fl, "rb")) { while (!feof($fh)) echo fread($fh, filesize($fl)); fclose($fh); } exit; } } function chkdl($fl) { global $pth, $sn; $m = false; if (is_dir($pth['folder']['downloads'])) { $fd = opendir($pth['folder']['downloads']); while (($p = readdir($fd)) == true) { if (preg_match("/.+\..+$/", $p)) { if ($fl == $sn . '?download=' . $p) $m = true; } } if ($fd == true) closedir($fd); } return $m; } function rf($fl) { $fl = rp($fl); if (!file_exists($fl)) return; clearstatcache(); if (function_exists('file_get_contents')) return file_get_contents($fl); else { return join("\n", file($fl)); } } function chkfile($fl, $writable) { global $pth, $tx; $t = rp($pth['file'][$fl]); if ($t == '') e('undefined', 'file', $fl); else if (!file_exists($t)) e('missing', $fl, $t); else if (!is_readable($t)) e('notreadable', $fl, $t); else if (!is_writable($t) && $writable) e('notwritable', $fl, $t); } function e($et, $ft, $fn) { global $e, $tx; $e .= '
  • ' . $tx['error'][$et] . ' ' . $tx['filetype'][$ft] . '' . tag('br') . $fn . '
  • ' . "\n"; } function rfc() { global $c, $cl, $h, $u, $l, $su, $s, $pth, $tx, $edit, $adm, $cf; $c = array(); $h = array(); $u = array(); $l = array(); $empty = 0; $duplicate = 0; $content = file_get_contents($pth['file']['content']); $content = preg_replace('/<\/html>/isu', '', $content); $stop = $cf['menu']['levels']; if($cf['use']['h1only_pagesplitting'] == 'true') { $content = preg_split('/(?=(.*?)/isu', '$1', array_pop($content)); array_shift($content); foreach ($content as $page) { $c[] = $page; if($cf['use']['h1only_pagesplitting'] == 'true') { preg_match('~(.*)(.*)'; $l[] = $temp[1]; $temp_h[] = preg_replace('/[ \f\n\r\t\xa0]+/isu', ' ', trim(strip_tags($temp[2]))); } $cl = count($c); $s = -1; if ($cl == 0) { if($cf['use']['h1only_pagesplitting'] == 'true') { $c[] = '

    ' . $tx['toc']['newpage'] . '

    '; } else { $c[] = '

    ' . $tx['toc']['newpage'] . '

    '; } $h[] = trim(strip_tags($tx['toc']['newpage'])); $u[] = uenc($h[0]); $l[] = 1; $s = 0; return; } $ancestors = array(); /* just a helper for the "url" construction: * will be filled like this [0] => "Page" * [1] => "Subpage" * [2] => "Sub_Subpage" etc. */ foreach ($temp_h as $i => $heading) { $temp = trim(strip_tags($heading)); if ($temp == '') { $empty++; $temp = $tx['toc']['empty'] . ' ' . $empty; } $h[] = $temp; $ancestors[$l[$i] - 1] = uenc($temp); $ancestors = array_slice($ancestors, 0, $l[$i]); $url = implode($cf['uri']['seperator'], $ancestors); $u[] = substr($url, 0, $cf['uri']['length']); } foreach ($u as $i => $url) { if ($su == $u[$i] || $su == urlencode($u[$i])) { $s = $i; } // get index of selected page for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $cl; $j++) { //check for duplicate "urls" if ($u[$j] == $u[$i]) { $duplicate++; $h[$j] = $tx['toc']['dupl'] . ' ' . $duplicate; $u[$j] = uenc($h[$j]); } } } if (!($edit && $adm)) { foreach ($c as $i => $j) { if (cmscript('remove', $j)) { $c[$i] = '#CMSimple hide#'; } } } } function a($i, $x) { global $sn, $u, $cf, $adm; if ($i == 0 && !$adm) { if ($x == '' && $cf['locator']['show_homepage'] == 'true') { return ''; } } return isset($u[$i]) ? '' : ''; } function meta($n) { global $cf, $print; $exclude = array('robots', 'keywords', 'description'); if ($cf['meta'][$n] != '' && !($print && in_array($n, $exclude))) return tag('meta name="' . $n . '" content="' . htmlspecialchars($cf['meta'][$n], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '"') . "\n"; } function ml($i, $img_src = '') { global $pth, $tx, $f, $sn; $t = ''; $title = $tx['menu'][$i]; if ($f != $i) $t .= ''; if ($img_src != '') { $t .= tag('img title="' . $title . '" src="' . $pth['folder']['template'] . 'images/' . $img_src . '" alt="' . $title . '"'); } else { $t .= $title; } if ($f != $i)$t .= ''; return $t; } function homelink($img_src = '') { global $pth, $s, $u; $homepage = $u[0]; $img = tag('img title="' . $homepage . '" src="' . $pth['folder']['template'] . 'images/' . $img_src . '" alt="' . $homepage . '"'); if ($s == 0) $t = $img; else $t = a(0, '') . $img . ''; return $t; } function uenc($s) { global $tx; if (isset($tx['urichar']['org']) && isset($tx['urichar']['new'])) $s = str_replace(explode(",", $tx['urichar']['org']), explode(",", $tx['urichar']['new']), $s); return str_replace('+', '_', urlencode($s)); } function rp($p) { if (realpath($p) == '') return $p; else return realpath($p); } function sortdir($dir) { $fs = array(); $fd = opendir($dir); while (false !== ($fn = readdir($fd))) { $fs[] = $fn; } if ($fd == true) closedir($fd); sort($fs, SORT_STRING); return $fs; } function cmscript($s, $i) { global $cf; return preg_match(preg_replace("/\(\.\*\?\)/", $s, "/" . $cf['scripting']['regexp'] . "/is"), $i); } function hide($i) { global $c, $edit, $adm; if ($i < 0) { return false; } return (!($edit && $adm) && cmscript('hide', $c[$i])); } // For valid XHTML function tag($s) { global $cf; $t = ''; if ($cf['xhtml']['endtags'] == 'true') $t = ' /'; return '<' . $s . $t . '>'; } function amp() { global $cf; if ($cf['xhtml']['amp'] == 'true') return '&'; else return('&'); } function shead($s) { global $iis, $cgi, $tx, $cf, $title, $o, $CMSimple4menulevel; if ($s == '401') header(($cgi || $iis) ? 'status: 401 Unauthorized' : 'HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); if ($s == '404') { if (function_exists('custom_404')) { custom_404(); } else { header(($cgi || $iis) ? 'status: 404 Not Found' : 'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); // $o.= "\n" . ''; $o.= "\n" . '

    ' . $tx['menu']['sitemap'] . '

    '; $o.= "\n" . '
    '; $o.= "\n" . str_replace('menulevel','sitemaplevel',toc(1,$CMSimple4menulevel,1)); $o.= "\n" . '
    '; } } $title = $tx['error'][$s]; $o = '

    ' . $title . '

    ' . $o; } /** * Debug-Mode * Check if file "_CMSimpleDebug.txt" exists to turn on debug-mode * with default setting E_ERROR | E_USER_WARNING | E_PARSE. * Level of debug mode can be adjusted by placing an * integer-value within the file using following values: * * Possible values of $dbglevel: * 0 - Turn off all error reporting * 1 - Running errors except warnings * 2 - Running errors * 3 - Running errors + notices * 4 - All errors except notices and warnings * 5 - All errors except notices * 6 - All errors * * @author Holger * * @global array $pth CMSimple's pathes * @return boolean Returns true/false if error_reporting was enabled or not */ function CMSimpleDebugMode() { global $pth; $dbglevel = ''; # possible values of $dbglevel: # 0 - Turn off all error reporting # 1 - Running errors except warnings # 2 - Running errors # 3 - Running errors + notices # 4 - All errors except notices and warnings # 5 - All errors except notices # 6 - All errors if (file_exists($pth['folder']['userfiles'] . '_core/_CMSimpleDebug.txt')) { ini_set('display_errors', 1); $dbglevel = rf($pth['folder']['userfiles'] . '_core/_CMSimpleDebug.txt'); if (strlen($dbglevel) == 1) { set_error_handler('CMSimpleDebug'); switch ($dbglevel) { case 0: error_reporting(0); break; case 1: error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_USER_WARNING | E_PARSE); break; case 2: error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_USER_WARNING | E_PARSE); break; case 3: error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_USER_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE); break; case 4: error_reporting(E_ALL ^ (E_NOTICE | E_WARNING | E_USER_WARNING)); break; case 5: error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); break; case 6: error_reporting(E_ALL); break; default: error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_USER_WARNING | E_PARSE); } } else { error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_USER_WARNING | E_PARSE); } } else { ini_set('display_errors', 0); error_reporting(0); } if (error_reporting() > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function CMSimpleDebug($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { global $errors; if (!(error_reporting() & $errno)) { // This error code is not included in error_reporting return; } switch ($errno) { case E_USER_ERROR: $errors[] = "CMSimple-ERROR: [$errno] $errstr
    \n"; break; case E_USER_WARNING: echo "CMSimple WARNING: $errstr
    $errfile: $errline
    \n"; break; case E_USER_NOTICE: $errors[] = "CMSimple-NOTICE: [$errno] $errstr
    \n"; break; case E_WARNING: $errors[] = "WARNING: $errno $errstr
    \n"; break; case E_NOTICE: $errors[] = "NOTICE: $errstr
    \n"; break; case E_ERROR: $errors[] = "ERROR: $errstr
    \n"; break; default: echo "Unknown error type: [$errno] $errstr
    \n"; break; } return true; } // TEMPLATE FUNCTIONS function head() { global $title, $cf, $pth, $tx, $sn, $hjs; $t = htmlspecialchars($cf['site']['title'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); if (!empty($t) && !empty($title)) { $t .= ' - '; } $t .= $title; $t = '' . strip_tags($t) . '' . "\n"; foreach ($cf['meta'] as $i => $k) { $t .= meta($i); } if(file_exists('./favicon.ico')) { $t.=tag('link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="' . $sn . 'favicon.ico"') . "\n"; } $t = '' . "\n" . $t; return $t . tag('meta name="generator" content="' . CMSIMPLE_VERSION . ' ' . CMSIMPLE_RELEASE . ' - www.cmsimple.org"') . "\n" . tag('link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $pth['file']['corestyle'] . '" type="text/css"') . "\n" . tag('link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $pth['file']['stylesheet'] . '" type="text/css"') . "\n" . $hjs; } function sitename() { global $cf; return isset($cf['site']['title']) ? htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($cf['site']['title']), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') : ''; } function pagename() { global $pd_current, $h, $s; return($pd_current['show_heading'] == '1' ? htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($pd_current['heading']), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'): $h[$s]); } function onload() { global $onload; return ' onload="' . $onload . '"'; } function toc($start = NULL, $end = NULL, $openToc = 0) { global $c, $cl, $s, $l, $cf, $adm, $su, $CMSimple4menulevel; if (isset($start)) { if (!isset($end)) { $end = $start; } } else { $start = 1; } if (!isset($end)) { $end = $CMSimple4menulevel; } $ta = array(); if($openToc === 0) // dynamic toc { if ($s > -1) { $tl = $l[$s]; for ($i = $s; $i > -1; $i--) { if ($l[$i] <= $tl && $l[$i] >= $start && $l[$i] <= $end) { if (!hide($i) || ($i == $s && $cf['hidden']['pages_toc'] == 'true')) { if($l[$i] >= $start)$ta[] = $i; } } if ($l[$i] < $tl) { $tl = $l[$i]; } } sort($ta); $tl = $l[$s]; } else { $tl = 0; } $tl += 1 + $cf['menu']['levelcatch']; for ($i = $s + 1; $i < $cl; $i++) { if ($l[$i] <= $tl && $l[$i] >= $start && $l[$i] <= $end) { if (!hide($i)) { if($l[$i] >= $start)$ta[] = $i; } } if ($l[$i] < $tl) { $tl = $l[$i]; } } return li($ta, $start); } else //open toc { if ($s > -1) { for ($i = $s; $i > -1; $i--) { if ($l[$i] >= $start && $l[$i] <= $end) { if (!hide($i) || ($i == $s && $cf['hidden']['pages_toc'] == 'true')) { $ta[] = $i; } } } sort($ta); } for ($i = $s + 1; $i < $cl; $i++) { if ($l[$i] >= $start && $l[$i] <= $end) { if (!hide($i)) { $ta[] = $i; } } } return li($ta, $start); } } function expToc() { global $hc; return(li($hc, 'menulevel')); } function li($ta, $st) { global $s, $l, $h, $cl, $cf, $u; $tl = count($ta); if ($tl < 1) return; $t = ''; if ($st == 'submenu' || $st == 'search') $t .= '
      ' . "\n"; $b = 0; if ($st > 0 && $st != 'sitemaplevel' && $st != 'submenu') { $b = intval($st)-1; $st = 'menulevel'; } $lf = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $tl; $i++) { $tf = ($s != $ta[$i]); $splitCssClass = str_replace('%','m',uenc($u[$ta[$i]])); if ($st == 'menulevel' || $st == 'sitemaplevel') { for ($k = (isset($ta[$i - 1]) ? $l[$ta[$i - 1]] : $b); $k < $l[$ta[$i]]; $k++) { $t .= "\n" . '
        ' . "\n"; } } if(strstr($h[$ta[$i]],'_splitToc_')) { $t.= '
      • ' . str_replace('_splitToc_','',$h[$ta[$i]]) . '
      • ' . "\n"; for ($k = $l[$ta[$i]]; $k > (isset($ta[$i + 1]) ? $l[$ta[$i + 1]] : $b); $k--) { $t .= '
      ' . "\n"; } } else { if ($st == 'menulevel') { $t .= '
    • -1) { if ($l[$ta[$i]] < $l[$s]) { if (substr($u[$s], 0, strlen($cf['uri']['seperator']) + strlen($u[$ta[$i]])) == $u[$ta[$i]] . $cf['uri']['seperator']) $t .= 's'; } } $t .= 'doc'; for ($j = $ta[$i] + 1; $j < $cl; $j++) if (!hide($j) && $l[$j] - $l[$ta[$i]] < 2 + $cf['menu']['levelcatch']) { if ($l[$j] > $l[$ta[$i]]) $t .= 's'; break; } $t .= '">'; if(!$tf) { $t.=''; } if ($tf) $t .= a($ta[$i], ''); $t .= $h[$ta[$i]]; if ($tf) { $t .= ''; } else { $t .= ''; } if ($st == 'menulevel' || $st == 'sitemaplevel') { if ((isset($ta[$i + 1]) ? $l[$ta[$i + 1]] : $b) > $l[$ta[$i]]) $lf[$l[$ta[$i]]] = true; else { $t .= '
    • ' . "\n"; $lf[$l[$ta[$i]]] = false; } for ($k = $l[$ta[$i]]; $k > (isset($ta[$i + 1]) ? $l[$ta[$i + 1]] : $b); $k--) { $t .= '
    ' . "\n"; if (isset($lf[$k - 1])) { if ($lf[$k - 1]) { $t .= '' . "\n"; $lf[$k - 1] = false; } } } } else { $t .= '' . "\n"; } } } if ($st == 'submenu' || $st == 'search') { $t .= '' . "\n"; } return $t; } function searchbox() { global $sn, $tx; return '
    ' . "\n" . '' . "\n" . '
    ' . "\n"; } function sitemaplink($img_src = '') { return ml('sitemap', $img_src); } function printlink($img_src = '') { global $f, $search, $file, $sn, $tx, $pth; $t = amp().'print'; $title = $tx['menu']['print']; if ($f == 'search') $t .= amp() . 'function=search' . amp() . 'search=' . htmlspecialchars(stsl($search)); else if ($f == 'file') $t .= amp() . 'file=' . $file; else if ($f != '' && $f != 'save') $t .= amp() . $f; else if (sv('QUERY_STRING') != '') $t = htmlspecialchars(sv('QUERY_STRING'), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . $t; $link = ''; if ($img_src != '') { $link = tag('img title="' . $title . '" src="' . $pth['folder']['template'] . 'images/' . $img_src . '" alt="' . $title . '"'); } else { $link .= $title; } return '' . $link . ''; } function mailformlink($img_src = '') { global $cf; if ($cf['mailform']['email'] != '')return ml('mailform', $img_src); } function guestbooklink(){} function loginlink() { global $cf, $adm, $sn, $u, $s, $tx; if (!$adm) { return a($s > -1 ? $s : 0, '&login') . $tx['menu']['login'] . ''; } } function lastupdate($br = NULL, $hour = NULL) { global $tx, $pth; $t = $tx['lastupdate']['text'] . ':'; if (!(isset($br))) $t .= tag('br'); else $t .= ' '; return $t . date($tx['lastupdate']['dateformat'], filemtime($pth['file']['content']) + (isset($hour) ? $hour * 3600 : 0)); } function legallink() {} function locator($cmsimpleLocatorDelimiter = '>') { global $title, $h, $s, $f, $c, $l, $tx, $adm, $cf; if (hide($s) && $cf['hidden']['path_locator'] != 'true') return '' . str_replace('_splitToc_','',$h[$s]) . ''; if ($title != '' && (!isset($h[$s]) || $h[$s] != $title)) return '' . str_replace('_splitToc_','',$title) . ''; $t = ''; if ($s == 0) return '' . str_replace('_splitToc_','',$h[$s]) . ''; elseif ($f != '') return ucfirst($f); elseif ($s > 0) { $tl = $l[$s]; if ($tl > 1) { for ($i = $s - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { if ($l[$i] < $tl) { $t = '' . a($i, '') . $h[$i] . ' ' . $cmsimpleLocatorDelimiter . ' ' . "\n" . $t; $tl--; } if ($tl < 2) break; } } if ($cf['locator']['show_homepage'] == 'true') { return "\n" . '' . a(0, '') . $tx['locator']['home'] . ' ' . $cmsimpleLocatorDelimiter . ' ' . "\n" . $t . '' . str_replace('_splitToc_','',$h[$s]) . ' '; } else { return "\n" . $t . '' . str_replace('_splitToc_','',$h[$s]) . ''; } } else { return ' '; } } function editmenu() { return ''; } function admin_menu($plugins = array(), $debug = false) { global $adm, $edit, $s, $u, $sn, $tx, $sl, $cf, $su, $pth, $disabled_plugins, $active_plugins, $userfiles_path_images, $userfiles_path_downloads, $userfiles_path_media, $cmsimpleAdmin; // pluginmanager (added "$pth, $disabled_plugins") if ($adm) { $pluginMenu = ''; if ((bool) $plugins) { // pluginmanager (changed) $pluginMenu .= '
  • '; $pluginMenu .= '' . ucfirst($tx['adminmenu']['plugins']) . '' . "\n"; if(count($active_plugins) > $cf['adminmenu']['narrow_max']) { $pluginMenu .= '
      '; } else { $pluginMenu .= '
        '; } foreach ($active_plugins as $plugin) { if(count($active_plugins) > $cf['adminmenu']['narrow_max']) { if(!stristr($disabled_plugins, '§'.$plugin.'§') && strpos($plugin, 'pluginloader') === false ) { $pluginMenu .= "\n" . '
      • ' . $plugin . '
      • '; } } else { if(!stristr($disabled_plugins, '§'.$plugin.'§') && strpos($plugin, 'pluginloader') === false ) { $pluginMenu .= "\n" . '
      • ' . $plugin . '
      • '; } } } $pluginMenu .= "\n" . '
      '; // END pluginmanager (changed) } $t .= "\n" . '' . "\n"; } } function sortArrayLength($x,$y) { return strlen($y) - strlen($x); } function content($cmsimple_highlight_bg = NULL, $cmsimple_highlight_tx = NULL) { global $s, $o, $c, $edit, $adm, $cf, $tx; if (!($edit && $adm) && $s > -1) { // hightlighting of search results if (isset($_GET['search'])) { $words = explode(',', $_GET['search']); foreach($words as $searchterm){$searchterms[] = '&' . $searchterm . '(?!([^<]+)?>)&isU';} usort($searchterms, 'sortArrayLength'); if($cmsimple_highlight_bg && $cmsimple_highlight_tx) { $c[$s] = preg_replace($searchterms, '$0', $c[$s]); } else { $c[$s] = preg_replace($searchterms, '$0', $c[$s]); } } return $o . preg_replace("/" . $cf['scripting']['regexp'] . "/is", "", $c[$s]); } else { if($edit && $cf['show']['locator_above_editor']=='true') { return '

      ' . $tx['locator']['text'] . '  ' . locator() . '

      ' . $o; } else { return $o; } } } function submenu($ssmHeading = 'default') { global $s, $cl, $l, $tx, $cf, $adm; $ta = array(); if ($s > -1) { $tl = $l[$s] + 1 + $cf['menu']['levelcatch']; for ($i = $s + 1; $i < $cl; $i++) { if ($l[$i] <= $l[$s]) break; if ($l[$i] <= $tl) if (!hide($i) || $cf['hidden']['pages_submenu']=='true') $ta[] = $i; if ($l[$i] < $tl) $tl = $l[$i]; } $t = ''; if ($s > 0) { $tl = $l[$s]; // the menulevel of the page if ($tl > 1) { for ($i = $s - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { if ($l[$i] < $tl) { $t = '|||' . a($i, '') . '⇑ ..' . '|||' . $t; $tl--; } if ($tl < 2) break; } } } $heading = $ssmHeading == 'default' ? $tx['submenu']['heading'] : $ssmHeading; $parentLink = ''; $output = ''; if(isset($t)) { $ssmArrayDelimiter = '||||||'; $ssmArray = explode($ssmArrayDelimiter,$t); $parentLink = array_pop($ssmArray); $parentLink = str_replace('|||','',$parentLink); } if (count($ta) != 0) { $output = '

      ' . $heading . '

      '; if($parentLink != '')$output.= '' . $parentLink . ' '; $output.= li($ta, 'submenu'); return $output; } } } function siblingsmenu($ssmHeading = 'default') { global $l, $s, $tx, $h; $t = ''; if ($s > 0) { $tl = $l[$s]; // the menulevel of the page if ($tl > 1) { for ($i = $s - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { if ($l[$i] < $tl) { $t = '|||' . a($i, '') . '⇑ ..' . '|||' . $t; $tl--; } if ($tl < 2) break; } } } $heading = $ssmHeading == 'default' ? $tx['submenu']['heading'] : $ssmHeading; $parentLink = ''; $output = ''; if(isset($t)) { $ssmArrayDelimiter = '||||||'; $ssmArray = explode($ssmArrayDelimiter,$t); $parentLink = array_pop($ssmArray); $parentLink = str_replace('|||','',$parentLink); } if(submenu() == '' && $s >=0 && toc($l[$s],$l[$s])!=0 && strstr(toc($l[$s],$l[$s]),' '; if($parentLink != '')$output.= '' . $parentLink . ' '; $output.= toc($l[$s],$l[$s]); return $output; } } function subsibmenu($ssmHeading = 'default') { global $l, $s, $tx; $t = ''; if ($s > 0) { $tl = $l[$s]; // the menulevel of the page if ($tl > 1) { for ($i = $s - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { if ($l[$i] < $tl) { $t = '|||' . a($i, '') . '⇑ ..' . '|||' . $t; $tl--; } if ($tl < 2) break; } } } $heading = $ssmHeading == 'default' ? $tx['submenu']['heading'] : $ssmHeading; $parentLink = ''; $output = ''; if(isset($t)) { $ssmArrayDelimiter = '||||||'; $ssmArray = explode($ssmArrayDelimiter,$t); $parentLink = array_pop($ssmArray); $parentLink = str_replace('|||','',$parentLink); } if($s >=0 && toc($l[$s],$l[$s]+1)!=0 && strstr(toc($l[$s],$l[$s]+1),' '; if($parentLink != '')$output.= '' . $parentLink . ' '; $output.= toc($l[$s],$l[$s]+1); return $output; } } function previouspage($cmsimplePrevIcon='') { global $s, $cl, $tx, $adm, $pth; for ($i = $s - 1; $i > -1; $i--) if (!hide($i)) { if(isset($cmsimplePrevIcon) && $cmsimplePrevIcon != '') { return a($i, '') . '' . ''; } else { return a($i, '') . $tx['navigator']['previous'] . ''; } } } function nextpage($cmsimpleNextIcon='') { global $s, $cl, $tx, $adm, $pth; for ($i = $s + 1; $i < $cl; $i++) if (!hide($i)) { if(isset($cmsimpleNextIcon) && $cmsimpleNextIcon != '') { return a($i, '') . '' . ''; } else { return a($i, '') . $tx['navigator']['next'] . ''; } } } function top($cmsimpleTopIcon='') { global $tx, $adm, $pth; if(isset($cmsimpleTopIcon) && $cmsimpleTopIcon != '') { return '' . ''; } else { return '' . $tx['navigator']['top'] . ''; } } function languagemenu() { global $pth, $cf, $sl, $sn; $lang_short_temp = explode(",", $cf['language']['short']); foreach($lang_short_temp as $lang_short_element){$lang_short[] = '|' . $lang_short_element . '|';} $lang_long = explode(",", stripslashes(strip_tags($cf['language']['long']))); $mainLanguage = './'; if(file_exists('./cmsimplelanguage.htm')){$mainLanguage = '../';} $t = ''; // Zweitsprachen Array erzeugen $r = array(); $fd = opendir($mainLanguage); while (($p = readdir($fd)) == true ) { if ($p != '..' && $p != '.' && is_dir($mainLanguage . $p)) { if (file_exists($mainLanguage . $p . '/cmsimplelanguage.htm') && $p != '2lang' && $p != '2site2lang') { $r[] = '|' . $p . '|'; } } } sort($r); if ($fd == true)closedir($fd); if(count($r) == 0)return ''; // Link zur Hauptsprache in Zweitsprachen if($cf['language']['default'] != $sl) { if (is_file($pth['folder']['flags'] . '/' . $cf['language']['default'] . '.gif')) { $t .= "\n" . '' . tag('img src="' . $pth['folder']['flags'] . $cf['language']['default'] . '.gif" class="cmsimple_language_flag flag" alt="' . str_replace('|','',str_replace($lang_short,$lang_long,'|' . $cf['language']['default'] . '|')).'" title=" ' . str_replace('|','',str_replace($lang_short,$lang_long,'|' . $cf['language']['default'] . '|')) . ' "').' '; } else { $t .= "\n" . '' . str_replace('|','',str_replace($lang_short,$lang_long,'|' . $cf['language']['default'] . '|')) . ' '; } } // Links zu Zweitsprachen $v = count($r); for($i = 0;$i < $v;$i++) { if ($sl != str_replace('|','',$r[$i])) { if (is_file($pth['folder']['flags'] . '/' . str_replace('|','',$r[$i]) . '.gif')) { $t.= "\n" . '' . tag('img src="' . $pth['folder']['flags'] . str_replace('|','',$r[$i]) . '.gif" class="cmsimple_language_flag flag" alt="' . str_replace('|','',str_replace($lang_short,$lang_long,$r[$i])) . '" title=" ' . str_replace('|','',str_replace($lang_short,$lang_long,$r[$i])) . ' "') . ' '; } else { $t .= "\n" . '' . str_replace('|','',str_replace($lang_short,$lang_long,$r[$i])) . ' '; } } } $t.= "\n"; return ''.$t.''; } ?>